Sunday, July 21, 2013

Decadent Chocolate Cake

I'm a sucker for Chocolate in all shapes and.. sizes. However, I wanted something  different. I had zucchini and bananas at home. While I don't mind using almond flours, I would much rather prefer to not overuse the nuts all too much. And I'm not much for coconutflour, I don't know why.. could be that it's not exactly cheap to begin with. Anyhows, this was an experiment. It's  better to bake this a day or so before you intend to devour it. But when you do, trust me, there is  no more a decadent, moist, dark, rich or heavier yet.. light.. cake than this.

Now for the recipe.. :)

Decadent Chocolate Cake

Set oven to 200C/approx. 392F.

Peel and grate 1 medium-sized zucchini. Transfer to  meshcloth and squeeze out the excess water (this will tire your hands, lol, but it's good excercise). Set aside.
Process 1/4 cup almonds together with 2 tbsp coconut oil.
Add 4 egg yokes (save the whites in  a bowl). Blend. While blending add 2 tsp vanilla extract (homemade is better).
Add the  grated zucchini to the eggs and almonds. Blend until all is smooth.
Chop a medium-sized banana, it doesn't matter if it's over ripe or ripe. Add and blend until all is smooth.
Add  the eggwhites. Blend.
Add 1 cup cacao powder. Blend.
Add 1.5 tsp bicarbonate. Blend.
Last but not least add in 1/3 cup honey. Blend.

This will be a rather liquidy batter, but that's good.

Transfer batter to a greased baking dish (I used coconut oil) and  bake for 25-30 minutes on middle shelf. Test with a toothpick in the middle of the cake. If it comes out dry then it's ready.

Let  cool in the baking pan and stand to set in the fridge to the day after.
Serve with whipped cream or icecream!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Shephards Pie

Ever since I found a different touch of cauliflower mash online I've wanted to do it with my version of the shephards pie. This is it. I hope you enjoy. Even my oldest kid who repels cauliflower normally liked this recipe.

Shephard's Pie (4 servings)

1 small turnip, peeled & diced
1 small cauliflowerhead, peeled & diced
1 egg
3 tbsps heavy cream
2 tbsps water
1 cup sharp cheese, grated

1 tbsp tallow
1 medium celerystalk, sliced thinly
1 small carrot, peeled & diced
1 small onion, peeled & diced
2 garlic cloves, peeled & minced
300g ground beef
1 tbsp tomato paste
0.5 cup water
black pepper

Preheat oven to 225C/437F.

1. Boil  turnip, cauliflower and salt in water. 5 minutes for turnip, add cauliflower and boil for an additional 10 minutes. Drain and set aside for the while to cool off.
2. Heat  skillet to high heat, lower to medium heat. Melt tallow in pan.
3. Saute onion, garlic, carrot and celery.
4. Add tomatopaste and water. Stir.
5. Add ground beef and stir. Cook  until brown. Season off with seasalt and pepper. Turn plate off and let go on afterheat.
6. Together with turnip and cauliflower, add  egg,  cream and water in a bowl. With a handblender, blend until all  lumps are gone. Fold down cheese.
7. Move over meatsauce to ovendish and top off with  the cauli-turnip mash.
8. Bake on middleshelf for 30 minutes.
9. Let "sit" for 20 minutes before serving. Enjoy!
Amount Per Serving

Calories 378.1
Total Fat 29.0 g
- Saturated Fat 13.6 g
- Polyunsaturated Fat 1.2 g
-  Monounsaturated Fat  9.8 g
Cholesterol 126.5 mg
Sodium     227.7 mg
Potassium  586.0 mg
Total Carbohydrate 8.6 g
- Dietary Fiber  3.1 g
- Sugars  1.9 g

Chickpea Zucchini Brownie Muffins (yields 15)

50g coconut oil
3 tbsps cacao powder
2-3 tbsps sweetener of choice (I used a mix of erythritol and stevia)

230g chickpeas, rinsed and drained
220g zucchini, shredded and squeezed
4 eggs
1/2 dl cold coffee
1 tsp coconut, shredded
2 tbsps sweetner of choice (again I used a mix of erythritol and stevia)
1 tsp bicarbonate
1 tsp peppermint extract

Heat oven to 175C.

Mix together coconut oil, cacao and sweetener to a chocolatey paste.
Add  together with eggs in processor and blend until smooth.
Add together all other ingredients except the shredded coconut.
Blend until all is smooth. Add coconut. Pulse.

Slop over to the muffintin. I used a 1/2 dl measurecup for each muffin. (Doesn't matter if you're using cupcake liners or not. I do. Less a hassle in cleaning the tin afterwards.)

Bake in the middle of the oven for 15 minutes.
Cool off on a cooling rack.

Notes: I'd like to point out that you can use whichever  sweetener  that you would like for this recipe.  For those that have candida issues might wish to use a stevia blend, while others might  wish to use honey or agave. Please  taste your way through to perfectness.

Per serving

Calories .. 89.4
Total fat .. 6.4g
..saturated fat 4.8g
..polyunsaturated fat 0.4g
..monounsaturated fat 0.8g
Cholesterol .. 43.6mg
Sodium .. 97.0mg
Potassium .. 116.9mg
Total Carbohydrate .. 6.7g
..Dietary Fiber 1.2g
..Sugars 0.3g
Protein .. 2.7g

Vitamin A     4.8 %
Vitamin B-12     1.9 %
Vitamin B-6     5.7 %
Vitamin C     2.2 %
Vitamin D     2.3 %
Vitamin E     0.2 %
Calcium     3.2 %
Copper     5.4 %
Folate     4.8 %
Iron     4.0 %
Magnesium     4.1 %
Manganese     12.7 %
Niacin     0.7 %
Pantothenic Acid         1.0 %
Phosphorus         6.5 %
Riboflavin     3.5 %
Selenium     0.9 %
Thiamin     0.9 %
Zinc     3.2 %

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Paleo Bröd

Då och då  blir jag riktigt sugen på en ordentligt macka,  fast..  helst utan gluten och andra produkter man  kan leva utan. Då får jag söka omkring på nätet.. och hittade ett recept som tilltalade mej bättre än de föregående. Paleo Bröd är det.  A grainfree living. Fast jag hade inte mandelmjöl hemma, det fick bli det jag malde själv och  fyllde på  med lite kokosnötsmjöl istället. Så detta är min version av brödet:

Paleo Bröd # 1

2dl mandelmjöl
1msk kokosnötsmjöl
2msk psylliumfrön
1msk fiberhusk
2tsk bakpulver
2msk sesamfrön
4 msk krossad linfrö
2dl kokosmjölk
3 ägg
2msk kokosfett

1. Sätt ugn på 200 grader
2. Blanda ihop de torra ingredienserna i en skål.
3. Blanda ihop de blöta i en annan skål.
4. Mixa ihop de två. Låt stå ca 5-10 minuter i viloläge.
5. Häll över smeten till en bakpappersklädd brödform, jämna gärna till  med en blöt slickepott.
6. Strö över lite sesamfrön.
7. Grädda mitt i ugn ca 20 minuter.

Gott blev det! Tyvärr ingen bild denna gång då min kamera är något kaputt. :(

Monday, January 14, 2013

Absolute Love onna Stick

So, I was craving for something to lick off my fingers (don't you dare place your mind in the gutter!) and since I'm allergic to peanuts and hazelnuts for that matter  I decided to scoot around the web for other nutbutters. I found a sunbutter recipe, of sunflower seeds and wondered to myself if that would be tasty enough for me.  Sunbutter, that's also something we don't get here in crummy old Sweden. To be honest there's a shitload of stuffs we don't get here in Sweden. *mock sniffles*

But this is my version of the Sunbutter.. a hybrid of Sunbutter and Nutella! Enjoy!

You'll need:
1 cup roasted sunflower seeds
1 tbsp honey
1 tbsp coconutoil
a dash of salt
1/2 tbsp vanilla extract
1 tbsp  almond flour
1 tbsp cacao powder

Add all ingredients in the mixing bowl of your food processor.
Mix until  runny texture. 
You'll have to scrape it off the sides between turns down into the bowl again until you reach desired texture.
Pop it into a container and cap it..
Store it in the fridge.
Should last a week if you don't gobble it in one go.

So YUMMY that I wanna eat it on the spoon!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Zucchini Fries

There's nothing more annoying  when you can't enjoy  the same fries like everyone else in the household can.  However, I like zucchini, and  was pondering how to use  it differently this time. After scooting around the web, I found many zucchini fries to contain  white flour or oils or ingredients I didn't have at home at the time.
But I did have  roasted almond flour at home.. (leftovers from making almond milk that I  dried in the oven and ground to a new meal) as well as other things.

You'll need:
a medium-sized zucchini
2 tbsps onion powder
1 tsp rosemary (I used the dried kind)
1/2 tsp salt
1/8 tsp black pepper
half a cup  roasted ground almond flour
half a cup parmesan cheese
1 egg

This is what you'll need to do:
1. Preheat oven to 425F (225C).
2. Cut the zucchini into  sticks (like fries). If you wish to peel them first that is your choice, I prefer keeping the green skin.
3. Mix together dry ingredients (I used bags for this recipe, one for the dry meal and another for the egg) in one bag, set to the side.
4. Blend egg until smooth, pour into the next bag. 
5. Add in the zucchini sticks into the egg bag and seal it enough in your hand so it won't leak. Toss around the sticks inside so they get a good egg-coating.
6. Remove the  now egg-coated sticks from the egg bag and add them in the dry meal bag. Repeat the same there and toss around in the bag until all  have been coated in  the meal mix.
7. Line a baking pan with parchment paper and lay out your zucchini fries evenly.
8. Bake in the middle of your oven for 15 - 18 mins. Remember that it varies between different ovens.
9. Serve and enjoy!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Zucchini Biffar

Jag hittade ett recept  via Stumble på zucchini biffar, dock hade dessa inslag av brödsmulor och annat som jag inte hade hemma. Med lite ommodiferingar jag gjorde ett eget version av receptet.

Denna sats ger dej 4 plättar, dvs 2 plättar per portion.

 Du behöver:
en halv  zucchini (rivet, vattnet urkramat)
0,5 dl mandelmjöl
0,5 dl gratäng- eller rivet ost
0,5 krm muskotnöt
2 msk kokosmjöl
0,5 krm paprika
1 krm vitlökspulver
1 st ägg
2 msk Kokosolja

1. Blanda ihop de torra varorna tillsammans: mandelmjöl, kryddorna och ägg till ett smet.
2. Rör ned  den rivna zucchinit , sedan  i med osten.
3. Hetta upp kokosoljen i stekpanna på högt värme, sänk sedan till medelvärme.
4. Klicka ut med matsked till fyra plättar i stekpannan. Bryn försiktigt  på varje sida tills  det blir gyllengult.
5. Servera med färskt tomat och sallad vid sidan om.

Kcal: 512 / portion
Energifördelning (en portion):
Fett: 23 gram
Protein: 9 gram
Kolhydrater: 4 gram