Thursday, June 14, 2012

Stuffed Peppers

You'll need for two servings..

Two  large bellpeppers of whichever color you want..
Half a peeled and  diced zucchini
One mediumsized peel and diced carrot
Half  an onion, peeled and diced
a few field mushrooms, diced
about 25g bacon bits.. about quarter a pack..  or so..
grated cheese
stock cube

black pepper

  1. Fill up a pan with water and stockcube, bring to boil, slop down carrot and zucchini. Simmer for approx 10 minutes. Take off to  side and let drain and steam off.
  2. Fry up onion, bacon and mushroom in skillet until  golden brown.  Mix down with carrots and zuchhini, taste off with  seasonings.
  3. Cut off  tops of the bellpeppers as close to the top you can. Take out the innards and dispose of.
  4. Stuff peppers with the stuffing you just made. Top off with a generous amount of grated cheese.
  5. Bake in oven at 225 celcius (between 400-450F) lower shelf for 25-30 minutes.
  6. Enjoy!

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