Jag hittade ett recept via Stumble på zucchini biffar, dock hade dessa inslag av brödsmulor och annat som jag inte hade hemma. Med lite ommodiferingar jag gjorde ett eget version av receptet.
Denna sats ger dej 4 plättar, dvs 2 plättar per portion.
Du behöver:
en halv zucchini (rivet, vattnet urkramat)
0,5 dl mandelmjöl
0,5 dl gratäng- eller rivet ost
0,5 krm muskotnöt
2 msk kokosmjöl
0,5 krm paprika
1 krm vitlökspulver
1 st ägg
2 msk Kokosolja
1. Blanda ihop de torra varorna tillsammans: mandelmjöl, kryddorna och ägg till ett smet.
2. Rör ned den rivna zucchinit , sedan i med osten.
3. Hetta upp kokosoljen i stekpanna på högt värme, sänk sedan till medelvärme.
4. Klicka ut med matsked till fyra plättar i stekpannan. Bryn försiktigt på varje sida tills det blir gyllengult.
5. Servera med färskt tomat och sallad vid sidan om.
Kcal: 512 / portion
Energifördelning (en portion):
Fett: 23 gram
Protein: 9 gram
Kolhydrater: 4 gram
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Creamy Zucchini-Cauliflower Soup
Whenever I get the touch of a common cold it always makes me feel seven times as miserable as it also affects my already crummy immune system and gives me breathing issues. However, licorice tea does wonders. It works wonders. It helps ease the breathings and I can once again take control of the panic that threatens to jump me into seizures instead.
Anyhows, I wasn't feeling up to solid foods. I haven't been wanting solids in a few days now. But I wanted something to eat. So, I checked around the web and found a recipe for a low calorie creamy zucchini soup. It sounded good.. but I wanted a bit more nourishment in mine. So, I used that one as a mere base.. here's my version instead:
Creamy Zucchini-Cauliflower Soup
serves 2 to 3
You'll be needing:
1 tbsp coconut oil
half an onion, peeled and diced
1 tsp garlic powder
half a medium sized zucchini, peeled and diced
a quarter cut of a medium-sized fresh cauliflower, cut into florets
(if you don't have fresh, frozen will do.. about 1.5 cups)
2.1 cups (5 dl) water + veggie cube (stock cube)
0.5 cup (0.5 dl) coconut cream
Heat up coconut oil in saucepan, add onion, and zucchini and garlic powder, stir around until glazed.
Add water and stockcube and cauliflower too.
Bring to boil, lower heat to medium, let simmer for 10-15 mins.
Take off heat, add coconut cream and blend together using foodprocessor or handblender until creamy and smooth.
Anyhows, I wasn't feeling up to solid foods. I haven't been wanting solids in a few days now. But I wanted something to eat. So, I checked around the web and found a recipe for a low calorie creamy zucchini soup. It sounded good.. but I wanted a bit more nourishment in mine. So, I used that one as a mere base.. here's my version instead:
Creamy Zucchini-Cauliflower Soup
serves 2 to 3
You'll be needing:
1 tbsp coconut oil
half an onion, peeled and diced
1 tsp garlic powder
half a medium sized zucchini, peeled and diced
a quarter cut of a medium-sized fresh cauliflower, cut into florets
(if you don't have fresh, frozen will do.. about 1.5 cups)
2.1 cups (5 dl) water + veggie cube (stock cube)
0.5 cup (0.5 dl) coconut cream
Heat up coconut oil in saucepan, add onion, and zucchini and garlic powder, stir around until glazed.
Add water and stockcube and cauliflower too.
Bring to boil, lower heat to medium, let simmer for 10-15 mins.
Take off heat, add coconut cream and blend together using foodprocessor or handblender until creamy and smooth.
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Flourless Glutenfree Zucchini Brownies
I have to admit that I am leaning more and more towards the Paleo Diet in one way or another. For most part I have already excluded grains out of my diet and most of the majority of dairy foods too though I do still want to have my cheeses, I'm not ready to let those go quite yet. I'm not so fond of the high fat in the LCHF diet, after a while it does get to be a bit too much, and I have found myself craving for a simple sallad between turns.. and not so much bacon.. to be honest, I haven't had bacon in a while. I wonder why.
Anyways, back to subject, I found this recipe online. I was craving for something sweet but something totally grainfree and came across Delighted Momma and her blogsite on Paleo foods. I fell for her version of the flourless zucchini brownies and tried it out. Mind you, I forgot to add the nutmeg, but it was still a success! I can guarantee you with my kids, there wasn't anything left in the dish by the end of the evening. Not even a single crumb!
For those that would like the recipe in swedish, I hath converted it here.. well.. roughly. Since I do use the american cups in the recipe. I went after those.. basically. But all in all.. yeah. I hope you'll forgive. I'll add pics next time I bake this again, the cake was eaten too quickly this time, I didn't have the chance to get in a few shots!
Zucchini Brownies eller Glutenfritt Kladdkaka!
Du behöver:
1 kopp mandelsmör (ca en liten brk Markatta Mandelsmör)
1 och en halv kopp Zucchini (ca 150g skalat och finhackat)
en tredje dels kopp honung (ca 10 rågade matskedar svenskt honung)
1 ägg
1 tsk vaniljpulver
1 tsk natriumbikarbonat
1 tsk kanel
ca 80-100g mörk choklad 70-80%, finhackat
1. Värm ugnen i förväg ca 180C.
2. Blanda alltsammans i en bunke. Det blir en ganska kladdigt och löst kletigt "deg".
3. Smörj en form. En liten form räcker. Det går väl också grädda i en springform om du har en sån.
4. Häll i. Grädda i nedersta delen av ugnen ca 35 - 45 minuter. Testa gärna med en tandpetare om det kommer ut torrt.
5. Låt svalna av. Sen njuuuut!
Än så länge äger jag inte ett matberedare för att kunna göra all mat som kräver finess moment, men man kan finhacka grönsaken och chokladen i denna fall. Det fungerar lika bra för det!
Mina ungar som inte tycker om grönskaer annars tyckte att kladdkakan blev jättegott! De trodde inte att det inte fanns en enda gnutta mjöl i den eller att det fanns zucchini i den heller. Fast nästa gång skall jag prova med att köra in kakao nibs istället för Lindts choklad.
Anyways, back to subject, I found this recipe online. I was craving for something sweet but something totally grainfree and came across Delighted Momma and her blogsite on Paleo foods. I fell for her version of the flourless zucchini brownies and tried it out. Mind you, I forgot to add the nutmeg, but it was still a success! I can guarantee you with my kids, there wasn't anything left in the dish by the end of the evening. Not even a single crumb!
For those that would like the recipe in swedish, I hath converted it here.. well.. roughly. Since I do use the american cups in the recipe. I went after those.. basically. But all in all.. yeah. I hope you'll forgive. I'll add pics next time I bake this again, the cake was eaten too quickly this time, I didn't have the chance to get in a few shots!
Zucchini Brownies eller Glutenfritt Kladdkaka!
Du behöver:
1 kopp mandelsmör (ca en liten brk Markatta Mandelsmör)
1 och en halv kopp Zucchini (ca 150g skalat och finhackat)
en tredje dels kopp honung (ca 10 rågade matskedar svenskt honung)
1 ägg
1 tsk vaniljpulver
1 tsk natriumbikarbonat
1 tsk kanel
ca 80-100g mörk choklad 70-80%, finhackat
1. Värm ugnen i förväg ca 180C.
2. Blanda alltsammans i en bunke. Det blir en ganska kladdigt och löst kletigt "deg".
3. Smörj en form. En liten form räcker. Det går väl också grädda i en springform om du har en sån.
4. Häll i. Grädda i nedersta delen av ugnen ca 35 - 45 minuter. Testa gärna med en tandpetare om det kommer ut torrt.
5. Låt svalna av. Sen njuuuut!
Än så länge äger jag inte ett matberedare för att kunna göra all mat som kräver finess moment, men man kan finhacka grönsaken och chokladen i denna fall. Det fungerar lika bra för det!
Mina ungar som inte tycker om grönskaer annars tyckte att kladdkakan blev jättegott! De trodde inte att det inte fanns en enda gnutta mjöl i den eller att det fanns zucchini i den heller. Fast nästa gång skall jag prova med att köra in kakao nibs istället för Lindts choklad.
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